Tuesday, October 9, 2012

27th September 2012 Current Affairs

NASA says Curiosity rover finds evidence of water on Mars
NASA scientist say the Curiosity rover has found evidence of a “vigorous” thousand-year water flow on the surface of Mars.
Sandeep Patil appointed as the Chief for BCCI Senior Selection Committee
Former Cricketer and all-rounder, Sandeep Patil was appointed as the Chairman of the five member senior selection committee of BCCI on 27 September 2012. The other four members of the committee include Saba Karim, Roger Binny, Vikram Rathour and Rajinder Singh Hans.
Ex-Navy chief Admiral Verma to be envoy to Canada
Nirmal Verma, the former navy chief on 27 September 2012 was appointed as India’s high commissioner to Canada.

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